Oh look - I have more thoughts on Guy Ritchie movies
You know how you sometimes open Netflix, or any other streaming service of your choice, and just stare at the landing page for 20 minutes straight not exactly knowing what to watch? Its even weirder when the “recommended for you” list pops up and the movies and shows it recommends are so up your alley and are definitely shows you really actually want to watch. And then you don’t. Instead, you reload Archer and watch it again, right from the beginning, for the 5 th time in the past month. And I don’t even care that the show hasn’t aged all that well (I mean, what has?). I still love it. Science attributes it to a combination of procrastination, sensory overload and a big fat heaping of nostalgia. I can certainly agree with that. Aside from the nostalgia comfort blanket that repeat watches offers, you also end up absorbing more details and features on repeat watches which, if anyone knows me and my particular aesthetics; is my absolute visual jam. ...