A glimpse into Volksian life - summary 1
Extract from the journal of Marxus, Arbiter of the 2nd platoon of the Palace Guard. I haven't slept all night. This is not uncommon. My sister, second lady in waiting to Lady Tertia is much in the same situation as I. We both would have much preferred the exhaustion to have been caused by yet another raucous and passionate guest (or guests) of our Lady Tertia. At least there we know to keep our eyes forward and allow the ladies to tidy up (mop up really). Ocassionally, we will politely escort or 'roll' an exhausted guest down the stairs and onto their palanquins but such is the lot of cosy palace guard life. I must admit in my first year I always felt dread when I was shifted to guard Lady Tertia's quarters. I was always apprehensive of the... noises that drifted past her doors. It wasn't just her epicurean tastes in lovers, it was the strange magics she would dabble with in her studies and the strange mentors she would gather in her chambers....