
Showing posts from February, 2013

Turns out sexy death is a thing...

End of the month weiners!   That means billing!!! Oh wait… that's work. Well February just went extinct didn’t it?   What the hell Time, I may be pleased that my nephew is one year old now and can pretty much run and bounce on the spot on his own but seriously; just breathe, take your time (except when I'm at work). I seem to have had very little time to do anything this month.   Or maybe I've been doing so much that I suddenly woke up and took into account that it's pretty much March.   Actually, I've been finishing some of my sweet little terrrium done necklace charms... so much fun!!! Its like when you take a shower and start singing 'You're the Best' by Joe Esposito and once you're done and step out, you get somewhat shocked and displeased that somehow it isn't the 80's anymore. Man, this has happened to me more times than I can count.   It sucks monkey nuts. Anyway, so, remember how I was all excited about: AND FINALL...