
Showing posts from June, 2012

Supanova - a ballad of hyperlinks

Hoo boyie, have I got a Dear Diary for you. Well – I don’t think it’s the most exciting thing ever but man, I have not been buzzed about a con as much as I had been for Supanova .  Really, this is extraordinary, considering my increasing apathy with the public gatherings of geeky/nerdy masses. But yeah – Supanova, best nerd excursion eEeeeEvvVVVeerrrrR! (so far, but most likely at least, for the year, well, to date…at least). This was Supanova’s 10 th year, and frankly, be it because of the shitty weather and everyone wanting to stay out of the rain or an honest to god successful marketing campaign – we had record breaking crowds.  And when I mean record breaking, I mean olfactory-sense and common-sense breaking crowds.  I could have fainted several times from oxygen deprivation and mustard gassing with nerd sweat.  It doesn’t help that I’m short.  I kept gripping P’s backpack as we negotiated the crowds, terrified that I’d be left to fend for m...