
Showing posts from September, 2011

It was all so very shiny! - Animania and T'EMPorium's sale

I’m on fire! I’m on fire!! – no, I am joking, its just indigestion. But bear with me guys because I am sort of on fire with inspiration (*kaching!*) because I just recently attended Animania with my little stall, T’EMPorium! For a small history of my crafty ventures – you may go here – it’s all very historically accurate and very pompous too. For the report on my shenanigans (or lack thereof), take a seat, brew a cup and read on, this may take a while. Oh and there are pictures – YEY! I set up on the Friday before the event because of one particular silly reason; acrylic nails. Yes, my fancy nails would have hampered my set up progress had I decided to set up in the morning ‘cause I’m awful at handling fiddly bits and hat pins when I have long nails... In fact, I stabbed myself several times with clips that Friday evening. Mum also volunteered to help me set up, so I snuck her through Louis (not so sneakily I suppose) and we got cracking. All in all ...