A glimpse into Volksian life - summary 1

Extract from the journal of Marxus, Arbiter of the 2nd platoon of the Palace Guard.

I haven't slept all night.  This is not uncommon.  My sister, second lady in waiting to Lady Tertia is much in the same situation as I.

We both would have much preferred the exhaustion to have been caused by yet another raucous and passionate guest (or guests) of our Lady Tertia.  At least there we know to keep our eyes forward and allow the ladies to tidy up (mop up really).  Ocassionally, we will politely escort or 'roll' an exhausted guest down the stairs and onto their palanquins but such is the lot of cosy palace guard life.  I must admit in my first year I always felt dread when I was shifted to guard Lady Tertia's quarters.  I was always apprehensive of the... noises that drifted past her doors.

It wasn't just her epicurean tastes in lovers, it was the strange magics she would dabble with in her studies and the strange mentors she would gather in her chambers.  I fear she will eventually become more terrifying than the Matria.

Perhaps I should not have written that.

To be completely frank, I have grown accustomed to the irregular sleep patterns and proclivities of our noble Lords and Ladies, and I much prefer of late to Guard Lady Tertia's rooms.

Standing by the Matria's rooms has been...unsettling.  My sister whispers to me during the shift changes that she is uneasy.  She calls upon me to bear her comfort, as if my role in the palace would glean more information than the often reliable gossip the maids trade in the back rooms with the slaves.

There are whispers of war on the horizon, and if the irregular visits of the Patria and Matria's agents are to go by, this may well be true.

The Patria's agents were around again last night.  They are a queer partnership and I've often wondered how they came under the Matria's and Patria's attention.  Especially that messenger lad, Truelinius.  I am not one to scoff at those of noble birth and poor association, after all, it is also our relations to the Guelinius family that gave our sister and I our relatively prestigious roles.  But the post boy?

I do admit however, I am jealous that his association with those two has allowed him to grow somewhat in prestige.  There were rumors in the barracks that he and the two agents held off an entire platoon of Drow rangers that attacked the feast hall and Generalia.  there was, apparently a rooftop chase?  the guards were not clear on that.

The Bard has shown her mettle, I admit I never cared for their ilk, although it helps that she is such an approachable Elf, unlike her masters.  It is so strange to meet such a charismatic elder even despite the rumors about her.
Ah well - the heart wants what the heart wants, but Proximus has once joked under his breath about how the height difference would make things... interesting.
He shouldn't have made that joke, The ranger has exceptionally good hearing and I am not sure if the grudging squint she throws at me is due to my association with Proximus sometimes.

Doris seems to manouvre around the Lady Matria with ease and her management of the upcoming security measures for the chariot races surprised everyone.  If I weren't so apprehensive of being in the Lady Matria's presence, I would dare to listen in on their briefings, which have included so many thrown chalices and vases of late.

I shouldn't think ill of the Matria, but I often wondered what the Patria sees in her, aside from the immortality, the magical prowess, the historical background, the wealth and the obscenely good looks.  But other than that?

(yes, she scares me)

Speaking of which.  Word got round that the ranger's impressive bow was damaged in yet another altercation.  Naturally, she always gets into, or causes trouble.  And yet, the Matria relies on her.  There was such a stir when she assigned the half-orc to be the Lady Tertia's guard.
It is rumored she comes from one of the ranger platoons from the north which is unsurprising considering how many barbarians were scouted into the military from there.

Her friendship with the Elf Doris is a strange one.  The Bard is truly blessed to be able to tolerate the ranger's ilk.  I am equally surprised the delivery lad who dogs their steps is so willing to be around her so often as well.  There must be something they see in her, aside from her obvious military uses. Often I have seen Lady Tertia tease and cajole with Bap, and the half-orc humors her with an underlying fondness that is both heartening and utterly alien to contemplate.  One supposes that the half-orc would have no where to go if not for our noble Lords' patronage.

I have not yet seen nor heard word from the regiment sent to the forest.  Again, the Matria's agents found what is rumored to be some strange ruin in the forest after chasing //name// to the coast and discovering the first Drow incursion in Sud Fisker Haven.

I must end my entry now, my shift begins in 5 minutes and I have seen this unlikely trio in the cortile, chortling about some drinking contest and what sounds to be a naked wrestling match.  I shudder to imagine.

The Matria is incandescent with rage again, no doubt from the consequences of their actions, be it from discovering yet another crisis or causing it, I shall not know.

In any case, I look forward to seeing more of them in the halls as this crisis escalates.  For I feel that only they will know how to aid our Lords to victory against the oncoming invasion.


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