It's a new jeer

Howdy-ho my lovelies!

HAPPY NEW YEAR!!! (one month later)....

How has everyone's breaks been? mine was sober.
 so….soooo….. sober.

Now that I command my own mini starship it seems that I was designated to navigate every overfed or drunk relative around this xmas break.  I had to make up for it with loads of drinking binges during after work Fridays.  I still have not caught up. 

That having been said, I still had a great time, even if I only got three days off. 

I spent Boxing Day playing this video on repeat to get my nephew to sleep.  He eventually decided to watch the Dr Who xmas special with us but by then, the damage was done and I was doing a spooky dance for three hours.

My Xmas card exchange was a small but great success.  I received some really awesome exchange gifts and awesome cards.  Amongst them are some EPIC amigurumi figurines made by Liz from the lovely blog Epic x Cloth, all the way in fair Netherlands.
left to right (clockwise): An amazing bag from fellow crafter friends from their trip to the US (IT'S FUCKING RABBIT!!!)
Cast of a dragon bust made by the preposterously talented Anthony Watkins
Original Print by old friend and artist extraordianire Joumana
Adorable Zombie Lolita and blue cutie from the amazing Liz C at Epic x Cloth
Adorable Japanese fabric make-up bag from my best friend in Brisbane
My poor toppled golden portal turret - it has no friends
Dia De Los Muertos Calavera candle holder from my bday stash
An adorable leather bird cutout from my former classmate from Mexico (note: she is also an up and coming animator - check out a recent project she worked on!)
The funniest Christmas Elf card you will ever encounter from Canada.
Whoa - that's a long run down.
Also, some of the gifts I got as support for sponsoring some up and coming artists arrived over the break.  I am so overwhelmed with how beautiful they are that I have no idea what to do with myself – maybe open a museum or something, a really small one that mostly showcases dog-eared copies of my huge Terry Pratchett book collection. 

Arting has smashed its may into my crowded life like no one's business.  This is freaking pleasing to me and anyone who is sick and tired of me posting useless things on Facebook regarding leggings and general rants about trains. 
my sort of space to put stuff on...
progress shots!!! pretty macro

I have also cut down on my Facebook consumption in an attempt to get my life back – in the sense that my life shouldn't be fined by excessive likes of shared pictures and me getting obsessed over photos of someone's hair.

Also – my legging addiction is over, with absolutely no damage to my wallet.  This means that I can reward myself with a pair of leggings… damnit.

But more importantly – ART and even more importantly – PAX!!!!!!
I wish I could have this video hanging over me like a triumphantly joyous cloud....

These two conventions are going to be the summit of my achievements.  I will tell my grandchildren about this – the weekend I hard-cored it through Sydney's biggest con and how I totally grind through Australia's biggest gaming con of the year. 

Well, that's the plan anyway.  In truth, I think some sensible shoes and large amounts of Doritos will happen, but I would like to imagine that the shoeing and the crunching will be EXTREME.

The year has started off really well though, I rediscovered my love for the original X-men animated series and having an Evening with Neil Gaiman, which included a preview, unproofed copy of the first three chapters of his new book.

Let me just say, like Turian voices; Neil Gaiman's voice makes sparkly tingly things happen in the pit of my belly.  Except – he can't sing.  It was awkward and cute in ways I couldn't imagine possible.  Like watching koalas do it, or something (disclaimer: I have never seen koalas do it, and I never want to see that shit.  Ever)

I am also doing healthy sports things! SCIENTIFIC MIRACLE! The swimming pool and I have reacquainted thanks to some awesome neighbours who take me with them to the Sydney Olympic Aquatic Centre for some not so hard core laps.  I like to think of this as pre-training for the Starfleet Academy because damnit, I really do need to shape up.

Also – my computer is being pimped out upgraded, hopefully, hopefully, with tremulous, fragile anticipation, I can finally:


and finish Borderlands.  Aaaaaand, if I am feeling particularly bored, Dragon Age 2 (but let's be realistic, I wont finish a game I hate).  But I will most likely go on a Witcher spree because OMGTHATGAMEISSOAWESOME!!!!!!

Also – I just learned that one of the OST songs for DA: Origins was by that dude who has that band and sort of made out with Foul-mouth Farrell in that TERRIBLE movie; Alexander.
I only remember his name because its associated with the poor Greek goddess who got buggered by Zeus and later bitched upon by Hera. Jared motherfucking (as in Zeus was the mother fucker I guess) Leto.
I was going to put some sort of picture here, but I actually care for your health and will therefore desist in my posting of whatever amusing Jared Leto picture i could find.  Because after having a quick search, there is no meme that could make him amusing.  sorry cute boy. 

Yeah, I have no idea who 30 Seconds to Mars is.  Does it matter? not really, Mr Leto needs to calm down with the yelling and the agonised puppy look and give me my eyeliner back. 

I am so out of touch.  Are they an emo band? what is the hype nowadays anyway? can you even have an emo band? is that even a thing?

Also – If this entry is published before January ends (unlikely) – then I will still be writing my final assessment for my current course, and not wasting time reading romantic fanfiction of MaleShepard and Garrus doing cloyingly adorable lovable things and someother stuff.

Of course, if this entry has even been published in the first place, it also means I am still alive.

Therefore if you too are still alive, I would love to know what you are up to in the new year.

Also – I have developed a strange unfounded affection for Fantastic 4 thanks to reading the first two volumes of Future Foundation.  This is extremely weird and I want you to share with me this sense of awkward.
I even started to like Spiderman... this is really, really weird.

To get you in the mood, please feel moist and fluffy and lovely by watching Stephen Fry talk about his glory.  And by glory, I mean pervy enchantingness.


  1. I like your con plans. A surprising amount of life's problems seem more trivial with a comfortable pair of shoes. :)

    1. that is... until my con plans start involving sensible shoes AND bourbon.
      So far its just shoes and doritos, but these things turn ugly real quick.


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